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Michael Neill - Impacting Leaders
Empowered Leadership min thumb 1 1

Michael Neill - Impacting Leaders

Transform your coaching practice with Michael Neill's "Impacting Leaders: The Art & Science of Coaching in the Modern World." Discover universal principles of human transformation, deepen connections with clients, and achieve breakthrough results. With 12 insightful modules, unleash your coaching potential and create a bigger impact now.
SalesPage  | Price: $695  (Free for VIP Members) | Size:  6 GB |  Archive
Michael Neill – Impacting Leaders
EVERCOACH DARKBLUE min thumb 1To coaches who are ready to create a bigger impact NOW…
Discover How You Can Become the Secret Weapon to Success for CEOs, Leaders & the World’s Highest Achievers
Internationally renowned transformative coach Michael Neill, who has coached CEOs, celebrities, royalty and other high-achieving individuals for over 25 years, invites you to discover his secrets to confidently coaching high-impact individuals to reach their next level, no matter how successful, famous, or wealthy they are.
What You’ll Learn
Introducing “Impacting Leaders: The Art & Science of Coaching in the
Modern World”
Here are 9 powerful breakthroughs you’ll experience in this course:
01 Learn the universal scientific principles of what really makes humans tick.
It’s surprising these principles aren’t more widely-known. Michael was at the top of the NLP field and had worked in the biggest New Age & psychology bookstore for years. He thought he knew everything there is to know about human behavior, yet he only discovered these principles after years of study and coaching.
Upon finding these universal scientific principles of human transformation, Michael shifted the way he approached coaching. He went from being known as the NLP “King of Techniques”, to developing his signature style of coaching using ZERO techniques – just transformative coaching that connects on the soul and cellular level.
02 Experience insight-based learning which unleashes your infinite creative potential as a coach.
The reason these principles are so powerful is that they don’t limit you to follow an X-step process or remain confined in the limiting box of copying other coaches’ techniques. Instead of being told what to do, this insight-based training will lead you to the “aha’s” which develop your signature style, artistry, and unlimited potential as a coach.
03 Tap into the driving force behind human potential.
Before Michael understood these principles, he suffered from suicidal depression for 7 years. Studying self-help techniques helped him learn how to cope with depression. For a long time, he dealt with high-functioning depression, believing it was the best he could achieve for his personality.
However, when he discovered the universal scientific principles of human transformation, he was able to transform from someone with high-functioning depression to becoming a genuinely happy person. When you find these for yourself and gain new insights, the transformation you can create for yourself — and high-impact individuals — will be simply phenomenal.
04 Get better results with less effort and less stress.
Transformative coaching based on these universal scientific principles of human behavior has the potential to achieve in 2-3 days what coaching techniques need 3-6 months to reach. This is because you will have real understanding of how the mind works and how to unleash human potential from the innate intelligence source. Your clients won’t rely on techniques as crutches or complicate their transformation and growth by always needing the next technique to lean on.
05 Listen at a deeper level you never thought possible.
When you understand these universal scientific principles of human transformation, you’ll be able to listen at a deeper level you never thought possible. This is not “active listening” where you simply paraphrase what your clients said to acknowledge you heard them. This is deep listening that moves your soul in a way they can sense and feel heard, even if you don’t say a single word. It’s the most powerful connection that can be achieved between two human beings.
06 Assist high-impact clients to make significant breakthroughs in life, business, and relationships.
When you can listen at a deeper level than ever before, and when you know how human behavior works to tap into the driving force of human potential, you’ll be able to help high-impact clients make significant breakthroughs in every area of their lives.
07 Grow your confidence and transformative coaching skills as you create a BIGGER impact.
You’ll discover it’s not certifications, qualifications, or years of experience that builds your confidence. The real source of your coaching confidence is being able to deeply connect with somebody at a level most authentic to their nature. Once you unleash this, the impact you can create will be bigger, faster, and easier.
08 Unlock the freedom to live your best life
Level up to serve high-impact people happy to pay you premium rates. Enjoy the financial and lifestyle freedom you’ve always dreamed of. Spend more time with your loved ones. Strike off your bucket list. Create more impact through philanthropic works. And passionately pursue every other way your heart and soul want to soar.
09 Expand your creative potential and have loads of FUN!
Because you no longer have to copy other coaches’ techniques, you’ll have the creative freedom to make every single coaching session uniquely dynamic. You’ll have your signature style, develop your own techniques, and even know when to break the “rules.” In other words, no two sessions will ever be the same. You’ll never have to dread being caught in the “same old, same old” routine, and you’ll have loads of FUN while creating HUGE impact..
Program Information
Empowered Leadership min thumb 1 1Here’s Exactly What You’ll Experience In The 12-module Insight-based Training Video Course, “Impacting Leaders: The Art & Science Of Coaching In The Modern World.”
Module 1
Understanding Principles-Based Coaching
Understand the difference between coaching and consulting
Discover how insight-based learning is different to practice-based learning (and this can fundamentally shift the way you approach coaching)
How to define your job as a coach and your client’s role to co-create significant breakthroughs and impact
The “flashlight” and “mirror” principles of leading your clients to see their possible futures and unleash their infinite creative potential
The simplest coaching model in the world (it’s only two steps, but it’s profound)
Experiment: An exercise to listen at a deeper level you never thought possible
Module 2
The Power of Connection
The secret sauce of deeply connecting with someone… heart-to-heart, soul-to-soul
Understand the difference between great coaching and skilled coaching
Learn the different levels of connection between human beings: Surface Connection vs. Soul Connection
Experiment: 3 exercises to gain insights which unlock the power of connection
Experiment: Applying your ideas in the real world (and just watch what unfolds!)
Module 3
How Human Beings Actually Work
3 fundamental principles and truths about how humans work and the universal scientific principles of human behavior and transformation
The inside-out understanding (IOU) which unleashes infinite freedom and creativity to how you operate in the world
How to address the top concerns of CEOs: VUCA – Volatility, Uncertainty, Complexity, Ambiguity
The bad news and good news of how humans think (and the one thing you need to tap into to shape better thinking and greater transformation)
Understanding the true nature of thought and true nature of the mind
Experiment: Game-changing exercises for Thought, Mind & Consciousness
Module 4
Five Rules for Coaching in Business
Learn the 5 fundamental rules for coaching in business
Discover how to show up and respond to what shows up
Learn how to recognize whatever comes as one of 3 basic principles in disguise
The #1 mistake most coaches make that kills deep connection
Why transformative coaching has nothing to do with what you know
The only 2 things you need to help your clients see to spark the catalyst of transformation
Module 5
The Game of Business
The secret doorway to let your inner intelligence come through
The fundamental shift to achieve which will change the way your clients relate to their business and drive success
Experiment: A money exercise which reveals an astounding insight on the game of business
Experiment: A thought exercise that will change your client’s relationship to success and failure
The art of playing YOUR best game instead of imitating what other coaches do
Module 6
The Art of Leadership
How to apply the 3 fundamental principles in a business environment or company
The power of engagement to achieve significant business results
The 3 characteristics of commitment which brings to fruition game-changing ideas and powerful shifts
Experiment: 1 simple exercise to experience the power of engagement
Understanding separate realities and how leadership works from the inside-out
The 2 most important qualities of any endeavor in business you’ll need to guide your clients to have
Module  7
Decision Making
Experiment: Experience the unfolding of your innate intelligence
The fatal mistake most CEOs & leaders make when making important decisions (and how to help them avoid it)
A powerful insight to reduce the stress and pressure of having to make decisions
Case study: How Michael guided a client being headhunted by Google and Yahoo to make a decision
Understanding the game of making decisions to help your clients make no-brainer decisions, even under the most stressful or high-stake situations
Module 8
Problem Solving, Creativity & Innovation
The simplest yet most brilliant strategy to solve really big problems in business
A fresh perspective on how we think about problems to unleash creative problem solving and innovation
The true nature of the mind and how it works to achieve infinite creative potential
The “Big Nothing” vs. “Little Nothing” approach of allowing for breakthroughs
A Picasso insight to help your clients recognize their innate intelligence to solve problems
Module 9
Performance & Productivity
The real source of human performance and productivity (and how to tap into it)
Case study: How the inside-out approach helped a golfer improve his performance to win a tournament
How to leverage the mind’s psychological immune system to shift state of mind
The actual nature of productivity and how understanding this can boost performance and productivity
What the fabric of time is made of and how to ride on it to get “in the zone” and flow of optimal performance & productivity
Module 10
Handling Pressure & Stress
From the sports arena to the business arena: How to handle pressure and stress
Injecting a fresh perspective on how we view high-pressure, high-stress situations or environments
Case study: Why understanding where pressure and stress come from is more important than trying to manage them
genuine source of confidence in human nature and how to coach your clients to embody it
Module 11
Life Beyond the Game
Understanding how to apply this approach to your own life and take your coaching to the next level
How to help executives and leaders not just improve their business performance, but also their happiness in all other areas of life
The secret in achieving work-life balance lies in understanding the difference between overwhelm and overload
Reflection: An exercise to gain insights on how to achieve a natural fulfillment
Why, in life, we’re not the pilot, we’re the plane (and what this means in how you channel and express your own life)
Module 12
Transformative Coaching in Action
Putting it all together so you can witness how it all works in practice
Multiple executive coaching demos so you can see how fast insights, breakthroughs, and transformation can unfold with this approach
Post-analysis review & commentary on each coaching demo tying together everything you’ve learned, so you know how to put this into practice with your clients
259.94 KB23-04-2024
Chris Evans and Taylor Welch - Traffic and Funnels - Client Kit

Chris Evans and Taylor Welch - Traffic and Funnels - Client Kit

Chris Evans and Taylor Welch's Traffic and Funnels ClientKit Workshop is an intensive 8-week platinum coaching program designed to help participants develop and sell high-ticket offers, ensuring a steady stream of clients. The comprehensive curriculum covers key pillars including crafting high-ticket offers, setting up auto-webinar funnels, mastering paid traffic campaigns, implementing automated systems, and employing advanced sales strategies, providing essential tools for business success.
SalesPage  | Price: $497  (Free for VIP Members) | Size:  12 GB |  Archive
Chris Evans and Taylor Welch – Traffic and Funnels – Client Kit
What Is The ClientKit™ Workshop?
An 8 Week, PLATINUM COACHING & MENTORING WORKSHOP, Where We Will Help You Develop (And SELL) Your High Ticket Offer, Secure Your Future, And (Best Part) Never Run Out of Clients Again…
In 8-weeks you’ll have all of the elements (copy, lead magnet, offer, tech setup, emails, and sales strategies) set up to build a 6-figure per year (then 6-figures per month) client business…
The ‘5-Pillar’ ClientKit System
  • High Ticket Offer (sell for $3k to $5k)
  • Auto-Webinar Funnel (for consistent lead generation)
  • Paid Traffic Campaigns (how to run Facebook ads to get high value clients)
  • Automated Systems (teach your business to run itself)
  • Advanced Sales Strategies (how to get people to pay up to $15k for your expertise)
The 8-week program unlocks access to the training modules to show you how to put together every single element of your high-ticket client program.
It also unlocks access to our platinum mastermind group to help you put all of the elements firmly (and correctly) in place. And, coaching calls with us (once per week) to ensure you come out with a completed and premium product, powerful marketing systems, and all necessary elements to build your business without all the headaches (and costs) of doing it wrong…
Elements included:
  • scripting your webinar
  • hosting your webinar
  • integrating your CRM with your webinar
  • email copy
  • how to track and optimize for profit
  • ad copy for filling your funnel
  • setting up your automation
  • crafting your high-ticket offer
  • landing page copy
  • delivering your client services with automated systems
  • setting up Facebook ads to generate a consistent stream of high value clients
The investment? Just one or two new clients delivered from your new system (the one we will personally help you build and implement) will more than cover the investment…
And you’ll retain your funnels, your paid traffic campaigns, and all of the strategies to keep attracting high value clients again and again…
Deliverables included:
MODULE 1: Crafting & Packaging Your High Ticket OfferMODULE 2: Advanced Sales Acceleration StrategiesMODULE 3: Building Your ‘Feeder Funnel’MODULE 4: Paid Traffic & Client AcquisitionMODULE 5: Automated Systems & Leveraging Your Time For Scaling Your BusinessPlatinum Mastermind – 8 weeks of accessWeekly Q&A Consulting – every week to keep you on track
975.54 KB23-04-2024
Travis Sherry & Jason Moore - The Paradise Pack
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Travis Sherry & Jason Moore – The Paradise Pack

Discover how to create an online ‘lifestyle business’ so you can WORK LESS & TRAVEL MORE …Even if you have no clue where to start. People just like you are replacing their jobs with their own businesses, gaining FREEDOM and traveling the world thanks to The Paradise Pack.
SalesPage  | Price: $497  (Free for VIP Members) | Size:  1 GB |  Archive

Travis Sherry & Jason Moore – The Paradise Pack

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Discover how to create an online ‘lifestyle business’ so you can


…Even if you have no clue where to start.

People just like you are replacing their jobs with their own businesses, gaining FREEDOM and traveling the world thanks to The Paradise Pack.
8.23 KB23-04-2024
Jordan Welch - eCom Accelerators 0-100 Program

Jordan Welch - eCom Accelerators 0-100 Program

The eCom Accelerators "0-100" Dropshipping Course by Jordan offers a comprehensive blueprint for building and scaling a successful online Shopify business. With transparent insights from his own journey, Jordan shares proven strategies to propel your eCommerce venture from startup to profitability, leveraging his expertise in digital marketing and entrepreneurship.
SalesPage  | Price: $797  (Free for VIP Members) | Size:  5 GB |  Archive
Jordan Welch – eCom Accelerators “0-100” Program
eCom Accelerators “0-100” Dropshipping Course
Everything you need to know about growing and scaling a profitable online Shopify Business. From Start to finish; From 0-100.
In this course, i’ve left no stone unturned and provided every single method & strategy required to grow a successful eCommerce business in this booming digital era.
If you’ve viewed any of my content previously you will know that I am transparent about what I do and how you can do the same.
This material can serve as a start to finish guide on building and scaling an online eCommerce store with shopify & facebook advertising.
You will find the exact systems and strategies required to find success in this industry.
I’ve grown one of my Shopify Stores from $0 to over $700,000 in just under 8 months with these exact systems.
Along with this i’ve been able to help other entrepreneurs generate over $200,000 online with my free content alone.
This course is the all-in-one package you need to grow & scale your eCommerce business. The content ranges from building out your store, to product research, to the explosive strategies to scale further to scale past five figures a day.
Let’s push the gas and take off!
My name is Jordan, I am a 20 year old serial entrepreneur.
I come from a lower class single parent household and my main goal since I was a child was to change the situation for myself and my family.
I have been pursuing entrepreneurship and starting companies since the age of 14… after 5 failed businesses I have discovered my passion is in digital marketing and eCommerce, so therefore I went all in.
After graduating high school my main focus was to create a profitable online business. After enrolling in to university I struggled for many months pursuing goals that were not in line with my own. I was broke and surrounded by people who weren’t on the same path as me. After my first year of college, I decided to take the summer off and figure out what business I want to create.
Using the last $600 that I had leftover from a student loan refund check, I launched my eCommerce business on the first day of summer and worked 12-15 hours every single day at growing this business. After 7 months of failure & growth I finally had a breakthrough with my business. It was this point I had my systems understood, I doubled down and went all in. I am now generating over six figures consistently every single month with my online businesses. Essentially I have achieved the goals that I set out for myself whilst developing the plan for this business initially. Though this is just the beginning..
While growing my own company is incredibly important to me and I plan on accomplishing incredible things this year with my eCommerce businesses. I also understand that I have an opportunity to share my knowledge with the masses to allow others to change their lives in the same way that I did.
My values lie in transparency, authenticity and shamelessly providing value. That’s what you will find in my content.
Let’s hit the gas!
Screenshot 2018 5 22 eCom Accelerators 0 100 Dropshipping Course 1 scaled
82.26 KB24-04-2024
Jesper Nissen - Advanced Cloud Stacking SEO Course
Advanced Cloud Stacking SEO Course 300x300 1

Jesper Nissen – Advanced Cloud Stacking SEO Course

The ADvanced Cloud Stacking SEO Training, led by an expert in the field, unveils advanced techniques in cloud stacking, focusing heavily on YACSS. From keyword research to content creation and building powerful stacks, every aspect of the process is meticulously covered. This medium-to-advanced level course empowers learners with insider strategies for substantial ranking improvements and SEO mastery.
SalesPage  | Price: $497  (Free for VIP Members) | Size:  4 GB |  Archive
Jesper Nissen – Advanced Cloud Stacking SEO Course
What You Get:
The level of the course is medium to advanced.
The ADvanced cloud stacking SEO training is heavily based on YACSS. In this course, I show you ALL of my secrets in Cloud Stacking. I show exactly how to produce keywords and content and build Powerstacks, which can give you massive ranking improvements.
I go over my entire process. I show how to:
– Produce keywords– Produce ranking content– Produce 100page powerstacks over and over– Use Scrapebox how to power up your properties– Satelite SEO, and how YACSS can be used in this– Advanced onpage SEO concepts that I use– Indexing
  • Introduction to Advanced Cloud Stacking and the Overall Strategy
  • How to Find Relevant Keywords & Entities
  • How to Produce Ranking Content
  • Sneaky Way to Get Super Content
  • The First 100page Stack
  • Building a Power Stack
  • Making Super Powerful Site as Buffer Site
  • Powering Up Satellite Properties
  • Indexing
  • Onpage SEO Introduction
  • Advanced Onpage SEO
  • Bonus Indexing Tips
299.86 KB03-05-2024
Luke Carthy - eCommerce SEO Training
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Luke Carthy – eCommerce SEO Training

Luke Carthy's eCommerce SEO Training is a comprehensive guide covering strategies and tactics for optimizing eCommerce websites for search engines (SEO) and conversion (CRO). From choosing the right CMS to configuring site search, optimizing product categories, and leveraging analytics, this course equips learners with actionable insights to enhance their online presence and drive sales.
SalesPage  | Price: $497  (Free for VIP Members) | Size:  4 GB |  Archive
Luke Carthy – eCommerce SEO Training
What You Learn:
A comprehensive course that will teach you the strategies and tactics to optimise your eCommerce website for search engines (SEO), and for conversion (CRO)
  • Choosing an eCommerce CMS
  • Choosing and configuring site search for SEO
  • Configuring and optimising product categories
  • Product filters for SEO
  • Inventory management
  • Analytics and measurability
  • Marketing and ‘wowing’ your customers
  • … and much more!
About my course
“My face has actually never spent so much time in front of a camera diving into ecommerce before. This is PACKED!Of course, there’s no way I could put out an all singing and dancing ecom SEO course without dropping CRO knowledge bombs too. The two disciplines are destined to be together and there’s plenty of both in my ecommerce course.Leverage both SEO and CRO to increase your organic traffic and then double-down on your organic sessions to generate more sales.  I share how you can make it easier for your customers to buy and how to identify and remove friction points too.There are case studies for days, buckets of detailed walkthroughs, and real-world deepdive examples in abundance.
From the product page all the way through to category (PLP) pages, search results, merchandising, personalisation, how to choose an ecom CMS and quite literally the kitchen sink (I use a kitchen sink as an actual example in such a lesson.)
Whether you’re brand new to ecommerce, an in-house or agency pro wanting to brush up your ecom game, or you’re working on your own cool ecommerce project, this course is ideal.
Last but not least, as a bonus, I’ve also been told I have, and I quote “A honey-smooth voice” so I’m easy to listen to even if I’ve a face for radio! I’ll see you on the first module.”
~ Luke C.
Course curriculum
    • About this course
Choosing an eCommerce CMS: which one is right for you?
    • Pros and cons of Shopify
    • Pros and cons of WooCommerce
    • What about BigCommerce and Magento?
    • Knowledge test
Choosing and optimising internal site search for SEO
    • Why site search is so important and how to choose the right one
    • Why excluding site search from search engines is recommended and how to do it
How to properly configure and optimise product categories
    • Optimising product category structures
    • Optimising pagination for product categories
    • What makes a good category hierarchy – department pages vs category pages
    • How to optimise product and category URLs
    • How to multisite categories without creating duplicate content
    • Knowledge test
How to properly set up product filters for SEO
    • How to optimise product filters for SEO
    • How to power and define URL structures for filters
    • How to handle SEO for multiple filter selections
    • How to prevent search engines from accessing specific filters
    • Why UX is more important than SEO for filters
    • Knowledge test
Menus and navigation
    • How to build customer-centric SEO friendly menus
    • To megamenu or not to megamenu?
Inventory management
    • How to make it easier for search engines to index your products
    • How do you manage out of stock and discontinued products?
Product pages (PDP)
    • How to build a great product page
    • A great product page (cont.) and the importance of breadcrumbs
Product recommendations and UGC
    • How to design your product recommendations
    • Product recommendations and SEO
    • How UGC can really help with SEO and CRO
Internal linking structures and merchandising
    • How to successfully merchandise an eCommerce store
    • Why merchandising can be an internal linking goldmine
Analytics and measurability
    • Why Google Analytics is so important for eCommerce
    • What’s wrong with Google Analytics?
    • Additional eCommerce data points to measure in Google Analytics
    • Knowledge test
Marketing and ‘wowing’ your customers
  • Why improving page speed is so important
  • Why UX? and how to get started
  • Cool eCommerce functionalities and enhancements
  • Let’s have a detailed chat about personalisation
289.41 KB03-05-2024
Derek De Mike - The SMMA BlueprintBlack 4x 1536x530 1 650x224 1

Derek De Mike – The SMMA Blueprint

Derek De Mike's SMMA Blueprint offers legal agreements, sales scripts, client meeting guides, and more. The comprehensive package includes a bulletproof ad template, proposal template, and all necessary legal documents. With insights on operations, client acquisition, and service fulfillment, participants gain essential tools to start and scale their agency successfully.
SalesPage | Price: $497 (Free for VIP Members) | Size: 27 GB | Archive

Derek De Mike – The SMMA Blueprint

What You Get:
All of our Legal Agreements, Sales Scripts, Client Meetings Guide, and Much More!
We have spent over $20,000 + a lot of time learning things the hard way. We are going to give you everything that we have  when it comes to scripts, documents.. you name it!
  • Bulletproof Ad Template: Our crazy simple strategy that kills it for our client campaigns!
  • Our Client Meeting Guide: Our secret sauce that enables us to close 95% of prospects we speak with
  • All of Our Funnels: One click install and done!
  • ​Our Proposal Template: Literally follow along and use our exact, proven, proposal methodology that clients can’t say no to!
  • ​All of our Legal Agreements: Literally everything that you need to start and run your business!
  • ​Much, Much More!
  • Welcome To The SMMA Blueprint
  • Who we are and our professional background
  • Our 50k a Month Agency & Why It’s Possible For You
  • Your existing knowledge about SMMA and how it gives you an advantage in this business
  • The SMMA Blueprint Methodology
  • The SMMA Quick Start Checklist – Get your agency live in 48 hours or less!
  • How to Incorporate Your Business The Right Way
  • Setting Up Your Agencies Brand – How to get all your designs, logos, and more to get an unfair advantage in from of prospects!
  • Setting Up Your Agencies Website – How to Make it Cost-Effective, Easy to Maintain, and Look Impressive
  • Setting Up G Suite and Your Agencies E-mail
  • Business Banking – What to think about when choosing your bank
  • Solutions to receive invoices and take payments for services online
  • Cash Flow Management – How to Manage Cash Flow so That Your Agency Doesn’t Become a Statistic
  • Running payroll for your business – How to Pay Yourself the Right Way
  • SMMA Legal Agreement – Your Agencies Legal Contract to Have Clients Sign
  • SMMA Forecast Tracking and Document
  • Setting Up Your Agencies Brand – How to get all your designs, logos, and more to get an unfair advantage in from of prospects!
  • SMMA Sales 101
  • The SMMA / Social Media Marketing Agency Sales Process
  • Profitable niches and where to find them
  • Hustle – Mindset Training for SMMA Success
  • Cold E-mail Scripts That Win
  • Game changing books and lessons learned
  • Handling the gatekeeper
  • Cold email and Cold Calling
  • Client Meeting Guide (Sell ANY Client on your services)
  • INSTANTLY prove your VALUE with this simple technique “Put the Money on the Table”
  • The Psychology of Sales – Eliminate Resistance and Win More Deals
  • Using Mail Merges to Scale Your Outreach – HUNDREDS of E-mails and meetings on AUTOPILOT!
  • Our Favorite Tool for Getting E-mails, Automating Sequences, and Setting Appointments Seamlessly
  • Objection Handling – Overcome any objection business owners throw at you!
  • Audits During Cold Outreach
  • Setting expectations and pushing for the close
  • Creating the Proposal That Wins Every Time
  • Pricing your services
  • Pricing Calculator – How to charge what you are worth and without hesitation
  • The One Call Close – SEAL THE DEAL!
  • The Proposal Explained – Our entire process to closing the deal
  • Kick-off / On-boarding Checklist – You’ve closed the deal, what next?!
  • Fulfilling Services Overview
  • Facebook Ads Welcome
  • The #1 Thing That Will Determine Your Success
  • How to set up a new ad account – Facebook ad best practice
  • Campaign Objective Overview – What campaign to use and when to use it
  • The Pixel – How to set-up and leverage campaign data for amazing client results
  • Creating Lookalike Audiences to 10x results for 10% of the cost!
  • Discovering the Competitions Ads – Ad hacking 101
  • Targeting – How to target the interest and demographics of your clients ideal customer
  • Split Testing – How to quickly and easily optimize your campaign performance!
  • Setting Campaign Rules to Automate Your Campaign Management
  • How to write the PERFECT ad – Grab out exact formula that we use for every campaign
  • Key Phrase Template – Spotting Trends Early When First Running Ads
  • The Breakdown – Metrics that matter for monitoring your campaigns
  • Facebook Leads A-Z (LEADS on Autopilot) full automation set up
  • How to Create Instagram “Swipe Up” Story Ads for your clients
  • How to Scale – Increase ad spend and results without destroying your CPA!
  • Live FB Ad Review
  • Google Ads – Intro Lesson – Why you need to use them
  • Google Ads – Strategy Overview – Branded Keywords, Competitive, and Long-Tail
  • Google Ads – Ad Account Creation and getting advertiser access from your clients
  • Google Ads – Conversion Tracking on Clickfunnels
  • Google & Facebook Conversion Tracking on Shoppify
  • Google Ads – PPC Set up
  • Google Ads – Negative Keyword Sweeps
  • YouTube Ads – Masterclass
  • E-mail Marketing for your clients
  • Tools for Social Media Management
  • Fast Social Media Management with Hootsuite and Lightroom
  • Leveraging Social Engagement
  • Retargeting – Step by Step to Maximize Profits with Minimal Effort and Spend!
  • Reddit Advertising Tutorial
  • Snapchat Advertising
  • How to put systems in place to work with more clients and scale your agency!
  • Client Communication – Keeping clients and renewing deals
  • Case Studies – What You’ll Need to Scale
  • Outsourcing – When and how to hire the right way (Even if you’re just starting with NO management experience)
  • Partnerships – Grow your network, revenue, and brand by partnering with other agencies!
  • Using LinkedIn to Get Local Clients
  • Welcome
  • Who we are and our professional background
  • The Growth Mindset
  • LinkedIn Scripts
  • Niches
  • Building Your List
  • Your Ideal Client Avatar
  • Respect the platform and how to speak to prospects
  • How to prospect safely at scale
  • Using Loom to prospect
  • Taking advantage of the free version of LinkedIn
  • InMails vs. Connections
  • Referrals
  • How to Optimize your LinkedIn Profile
  • Types of Content to Share and How to be Perceived as a Thought Leader
  • How to Automate the Process
  • How to vet Virtual Assistants to hire faster
  • How to post your job listing
  • Virtual Assistant Frameworks
2.22 MB03-05-2024
Ben Adkins - The Google Docs Funnel Advanced
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Ben Adkins – The Google Docs Funnel Advanced

Ben Adkins' Google Docs Funnel Advanced course unveils the technology setup, sales psychology, and traffic strategy behind creating effective digital product sales funnels. Participants learn to craft compelling PDFs, drive traffic, and monetize the funnel as a service. Advanced modules offer strategies for acquiring clients and provide ready-to-use funnel templates.
SalesPage | Price: $199 (Free for VIP Members) | Size: 1 GB | Archive
Ben Adkins – The Google Docs Funnel Advanced
Go Behind-the-scenes And Discover Exactly How To Set Up A State Of The Art Digital Product Sales Funnel That Will Get Your Business Leads And Sales (Without Having To Deal With Complicated Tech)
What You Get:
  • Part 1: The Technology Setup Behind the “Google Doc Funnel. You’ll Discover the simple (and cheap) software that we use to put together the funnel as well as see exactly how we piece everything together to go from start to money in our account.
  • Part 2: The Sales Psychology Behind the “Google Doc Funnel”. You’ll Learn exactly why this funnel is so enticing and why it gets so many leads and buyers to say “Yes”.
  • Part 3: Dr Ben’s 10 Page “Google Doc Funnel” PDF Creation Secrets. You’ll Learn exactly how to create Value packed PDFs that leave buyers satisfied, happy, and wanting more from your company.
  • Part 4: The Traffic Strategy Behind the “Google Doc Funnel”. You’ll Discover exactly how to drive traffic fast to any funnel that you set up using a simple and duplicatable formula.
  • [Advanced Only] How to Make Money offering “Google Doc Funnels” as a Service in Your Agency.
  • [Advanced Only] How to get your “Google Doc Funnel” clients without having to cold call or cold message clients and without having to ever leave your house.
  • [Advanced Only] Dr Ben’s Done-for-You “Google Doc Funnel” Template Package.
93.76 KB03-05-2024
Super Lumen - The LinkedIn Ads Course

Super Lumen – The LinkedIn Ads Course

Super Lumen's LinkedIn Ads Course is a comprehensive guide for business owners and marketing managers to harness the power of LinkedIn Ads for generating high-quality leads. With proven B2B demand generation strategies, participants gain confidence in targeting, ad testing, and account organization. The course also covers advanced topics like LinkedIn tracking, remarketing, and lead follow-up techniques for maximum ROI.
SalesPage | Price: $195 (Free for VIP Members) | Size: 4 GB | Archive
Super Lumen – The LinkedIn Ads Course
The LinkedIn Ads Course
The ultimate course for business owners and marketing managers of larger organizations to learn how to generate a ton of demand for their businesses using LinkedIn Ads.
Why do this course
By the end of the course, you will know your way around the LinkedIn Ads platform and you will be highly confident to start generating leads consistently for your own business or for other people in a matter of days. We hold nothing back in this course, you will be an absolute pro.

80% of B2B leads come from LinkedIn

LinkedIn is by far the most valuable source of leads when it comes to B2B – in fact 80% of B2B businesses say they are getting leads from the platform each month. LinkedIn ads are the best way to bring in a torrent of consistent new enquiries about your consulting, coaching or saas services.
I have condensed all my knowledge after spending tens-of-thousands on the platform into a few hours of video, showing you the exact systems we use as an agency, so you will save a lot of time. Everything I have learned is neatly organised for you to learn from, step by step, organised in a way which is designed to make you learn fast. You will go from zero to hero quickly.
You will save a lot of money. We have tested and experimented with pretty much every strategy out there, we have learned a lot on what works and what doesn’t, so skip the learning curve and jump right in at the deep end. You will get access to all our learnings. There are so many different ways you use the platform to drive down the cost per lead significantly, and if you are looking to gain many leads a month, this will add up to a saving of 1000’s of pounds each onth – much more than the course costs.
…and now we have taken tens-of-thousands of pounds worth of testing and condensed this knowledge into a course which anyone can start generating new leads for their business within days. We hold nothing back.
What will you learn in the course:
  • Tried and tested B2B demand generation strategies which you can implement right away and start generating a ton of new leads for your business.
  • Confidence in the ads platform so you know how to target the right people, how to test your ads and drive down your cost per click.
  • How to organise your account like a pro.
  • How to use LinkedIn tracking, the Insight pixel, how to implement it on your website, and how to use it to analyse your audience.
  • Remarketing for ninjas – remarketing is essential to stay top-of-mind, and to keep every prospect that interacts with your business interested in you and your products or services.
  • How to get the lowest cost per click (CPC), cost per lead (CPL) and cost per scheduled phone call.
  • Mastering the follow-up. Learn what the big sales teams do with the leads they generate and how to turn the MQL to a SQL (Marketing Qualified Lead to Sales Qualified Lead) to a paying customer or client.
307.13 KB03-05-2024
Rob Lennon - AI Content Reactor
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Rob Lennon – AI Content Reactor

Rob Lennon's AI Content Reactor is a groundbreaking system enabling creators, freelancers, and AI enthusiasts to generate authentic, original content swiftly and effortlessly. The course offers streamlined video materials, multi-prompt cheatsheets, and a special offer for enhanced AI tools. Whether you're a seasoned writer or new to AI, this course revolutionizes content creation.
SalesPage | Price: $297  (Free for VIP Members) | Size: 1 GB | Archive
Rob Lennon – AI Content Reactor
Use Breakthrough Techniques To Write And Create Authentic, Original Content At A Speed And Quality Level That No One Else Can Match.
A mind-blowing system to harness AI.Use breakthrough techniques to write and create authentic, original content at a speed and quality level that no one else can match. The ideas here are so powerful, when I first discovered the system, I became physically nauseous.
What You Get:
✅ 1 hour of video — the materials in this course can be completed fast. Not because the info isn’t valuable. But because I’ve invested extra time into streamlining it for you.
✅ No code — there’s nothing technical here. No training data models or writing code. Just follow a process, write in plain text, and you’re good. I show you how to do everything.
✅ Multi-prompt cheatsheets — Get easy-to-copy text prompts to build out your own system. Just fill in the blanks or tweak to make it custom to you. It’s like MadLibs, but instead of a hilarious story, at the end you get content you can post and use.
✅ Special Offer — While a lot of this system works with any GPT-based AI (both chat and non-chat), there is one tool that has a content model I really like. They’ve generously agreed to give a never-before-offered bonus to anyone who signs up for their free plan so you can fully explore that power for yourself. Requires an $8/month paid plan to access.
You’re a creator who…• Writes on similar topics often and needs new ideas• Needs tons of posts / scripts• Wants to cut research time by 95%• Wants to cut writing time by 85%• Wants to remain authentic and original and in control of the content
You’re a freelancer or content marketer who…• Writes articles, blogs, and newsletters• Wants to write at blazing speeds and yet have your AI assistant be undetectable
You’re an AI enthusiast who…• Has experimented with prompts and tools and sees potential• Is wary of the hype machine, and has a high bar for quality• Wants to use state-of-the-art prompt engineering without spending 100s of hours learning
64.39 KB03-05-2024
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Client Testimonial

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Absolutely transformative! This website took my business to new heights. The intuitive design and powerful features made it a breeze to navigate. My sales have skyrocketed since implementing it. Thank you for this game-changer!

Jenny Wilson

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Incredible results! This website exceeded all my expectations. The sleek design and seamless functionality have impressed both me and my clients. It's truly a game-changer in the digital landscape. Highly recommended!

David Liyan


A game-changer for my online presence! This website has brought my vision to life in ways I never imagined. The user-friendly interface and cutting-edge features have elevated my brand to new heights. Thank you for delivering excellence!

Robert Fox

Director of Content
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